BioLab Sourcing

We specialise in sourcing high-quality pharmaceutical supplies, including EU and UK-licensed medicinal products, as well as CE-certified and UKCA-marked medical devices. All products are fully compliant with relevant regulatory requirements.

Additionally, we offer contract manufacturing services for wholesale pharmaceutical supplies through our partner network, strictly adhering to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards.

For further enquiries, please contact us through our contact form.

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"Very interesting small distributor with novel solutions and products for COVID-19 assessment, monitoring and management. Suprisingly high-quality products from smaller manufacturers, surpassing the big brands."

"Very pleased with the products. The test results exceed the accuracy of any other instant SARS-COV-2 results we have seen to date."

Prof. Dr. Rothhammer

/ Krankenhaus Nordwest

"Superb quality product with outstanding results compared to the market. It gives good proactive use to our facilities during this crisis."

M. Christensen, Ph.D.

/ Rigshospitalet

"We see phenomenal antiviral activities and very promising results, so far, in early trial use of your latest product. A very encouraging potential for a wider solution."

Dr. ​med. Jansen

/ UniversitätsSpital Zürich

"Very promising observations with the COVID-19 management in early stages. BioLab's products give genuine hope for SARS-COV-2 mass-prevention. "

Dr Cairn

Medical Consultant / Private Practice

"Could this be the solution for real preventive management of COVID?"